I had a problem like this, so I replaced the cheap converted with one
"made" by a California company (it was much nicer, real drivers and
instructions for $5 more). I got no output until I remembered that I might
need a null modem adapter. Once I added that to mix everything worked like
a charm (text started flowing).

Check you setup to see what kind of serial cable you have, as a regular
"modem" cable will not work between a PC and an ALIX box. It needs to be
the other kind (host to host).


On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Chris Bagnall <pfse...@lists.minotaur.cc>

> On 24/2/15 12:08 am, Jeremy Bennett wrote:
>> I've got a USB to serial adapter (which has worked in the past), a Windows
>> 7 computer and Teraterm, but whenever I connect everything up I just get
>> the cursor blinking at me.
> Agree with others that the most likely culprit here is the USB to serial
> adapter itself. Having said that, I've never had a Prolific one fail, and
> I've a chain of a dozen shops using them extensively (their point of sale
> supplier uses serial connections to open the cash drawers).
>  Set the port to 9600, N, 1 as instructions indicate (usb to serial usually
>> is showing up on COM7).
> It's worth adding that the ALIX boards use - IIRC - 38400 on their BIOS
> and only bounce to 9600 when pfSense takes over from the BIOS. Though even
> with a speed mismatch, you'd still expect to see junk characters appearing,
> not just a cursor.
>  What else can I try?
> The ones that come to mind, given you've already tried a different adapter
> are (not in any particular order):
> a) different terminal program: on Windows I use PuTTY (which will talk
> serial quite happily); on a Mac I use ZTerm; on Linux I use screen
> (someone's already posted the syntax for that I see)
> b) different drivers for the adapter - IIRC there's a Prolific open driver
> project that might be worth a look.
> c) different (i.e. non-Windows) OS.
> d) try the USB/serial adapter and cable on another serial device and see
> if it works with that - many managed switches have serial ports, for
> example.
> Kind regards,
> Chris
> --
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