On Oct 1, 2015 9:01 PM, "Yukiteru Amano" <yukiteru.am...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody, I have installed a box using pfSense 2.2.4 with this
> configuration:
> 1 x CPU Core 2 Duo (2.66 Ghz)
> 2 Gb de RAM (DDR800)
> 1 x HDD WD 500 GB
> 1 x Intel 100/1000 Gbps for WAN (em0) (configure for DHCP ISP)
> 1 X Realtek 8169 for LAN (re0) (
> Squid3 with SSL Bump and Cache.
> Firewall (default rules for now)
> DHCP and DNS turn off in pfSense box, because I use a old Windows
> Server DHCP and DNS services for AD
> DHCP Relay turn on.
> No DNS services.
> In my first tests using Squid3 with SSL Bump work without problems, I
> can surf on the Web without problem, and the block rules work
> perfectly. In this test, the pfSense box it was connected as part of
> the network and not as a gateway, and DHCP and DNS services still active.
> Now well, connecting pfSense as gateway, disabling DHCP and DNS in
> pfSense and activating DHCP Relay for that Windows Server handle all
> that ( DHCP and DNS) , I get this:
> 1.- The LAN network work without problems. Folders and Resources
> Shares Printers, Scanners) all are accessibles. IP (DHCP) and DNS
> ( are configured correctly for Windows Server in each machine.
> 2.- The WAN network don't work. No access to Internet using or not,
> DNS service in pfSense box. ping, traceroute, dig directly from
> pfSense box not work.
> What could be the problem here ? Because I have no connection to the
> Internet being that are configured IP and DNS? Currently, I have a
> simple router doing the same role as gateway without DHCP and DNS, and
> works perfectly. I would appreciate any light on the subject, thank
> you very much .
> --
> Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra
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What are you passing as your gateway on the Windows box?
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