
My ISP provides access over PPPoE and has given me 2 static IPs via the
following configuration (public IPs sanitized)

Subnet Report
Subnet Size:            4
Usable IP addresses:    xxx.yyy.149.218
Gateway address:        xxx.yyy.149.217
Subnet mask:  
CIDR number:            /30
Broadcast address:      xxx.yyy.149.219
Network address:        xxx.yyy.149.216

When I login to pfsense on the console I see

*** Welcome to pfSense 2.2.5-RELEASE-pfSense (amd64) on pfSense ***

 WAN (wan)       -> pppoe0     -> v4/PPPoE: xxx.yyy.149.217/32
 LAN (lan)       -> em1        -> v4:

I cannot figure out how to make pfSense expose the xxx.yyy.149.218 address
to the public Internet.  I don't have any trouble adding NAT rules that
forward the .217 through to my internal network.  Can someone give me a

Exhaustive search of the mailing lists & pfSense handbook reveals similar
requests, but nothing that really addresses (ha ha) this issue, unless I
missed it.

Thank you.

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