
We're in the process of planning the upgrade of our main site's pfSense firewall. It is currently running 2.0.1-RELEASE and we want it to be at the latest version. It is running in a VMWare VM (amd64).

I'm currently using these packages:

- AutoConfigBackup
- darkstat
- mailreport
- NRPE v2 (instlled but not used yet)
- OpenVPN Client Export Utility
- pfBlocker

Other features:

- 2 limiters
  - To limit the bandwidth that can be used for Windows Updates
  - To limit the bandwidth that can be used by the proxy
- IPv4 only
- Load balancing (configured, working, but not in production yet)
- Single WAN
- 7 NICS (em), including 1 that passes all the VLANS, 6 VLAN interfaces
- Virtual IPs on WAN and on another (internal interface
- NAT on WAN ant on another (internal) interface
- 2 site-to-site IPSec tunnels
- 1 site-to site OpenVPN tunnels (client)
- 1 OpenVPN road warriors config (1 user)
- NTP configured but not used

Is there something that doesn't look good for this upgrade?



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