> On Apr 13, 2016, at 7:10 PM, Chris Buechler <c...@pfsense.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 5:46 PM, David White <dmwhite...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I just upgraded to 2.3, and internet seems to be working fine, but the
>> webConfigurator is failing.
>> pfSense is running on some older x86 hardware. Checking the system.log, I
>> see this entry:
>> php-cgi: rc.bootup: The command '/usr/local/sbin/nginx -c
>> /var/etc/nginx-webConfigurator.conf' returned exit code '1', the output was
>> 'PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (CPU not supported)'
> That appears to mean your CPU's lacking CMOV support. You're the first
> to run into that. What CPU is it? Must be really ancient to be lacking
> CMOV support, something like a Pentium I or AMD K6. Talking CPUs from
> the ‘90s.’

And the early to mid 1990s at that.  CMOVcc came in with P6 microarchitecture.
First CPU to ship with it was Pentium Pro in Nov 1995.


Possible that OP has a AMD CPU newer than this.

Chris’ comments about being able to recover something that does support CMOVcc 
still apply.

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