On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Rosen Iliev <ro...@ilievi.net> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Just upgraded my embedded pfsense to 2.3.
> I have problems getting to the box (web or ssh) it just time outs.
> On the web I sometime I get Nginx 504, sometime, just nothing.
> Eventually I got logged in, try to check what's going on.
> I have open Diagnostics->System Activity page, and start monitoring the
> network traffic.
> There is Java Script that updates the page content every 2.5, but actual
> response in my case was more then 15 sec.
> So I ended up with +20 pending requests to /diag_system_activity.php.
> I don't think that setInterval is a good option here. Especially when you
> don't know how long it will take for the request to complete.
> My suggestion is to use setTimeout like this:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> //<![CDATA[
> function getcpuactivity() {
>     $.ajax(
>         '/diag_system_activity.php',
>         {
>             method: 'post',
>             data: {
>                 getactivity: 'yes'
>             },
>             dataType: "html",
>             success: function (data) {
>                 $('#xhrOutput').html(data);
> +              setTimeout('getcpuactivity()', 2500);
>             },
>         }
>     );
> }
> events.push(function() {
> -    setInterval('getcpuactivity()', 2500);
> +   setTimeout('getcpuactivity()', 2500);
>     getcpuactivity();
> });
> //]]>
> </script>
> Regards,
> Rosen
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