Did you try ipv6 inside the tunnel also?

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 1:56 PM, Jens Kühnel <pfse...@jens.kuehnel.org>

> Am 01.05.2016 um 18:29 schrieb WebDawg:
> >
> >
> > On 05/01/2016 08:15 AM, Jens Kühnel wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm a very satisfied PFSense User for a very long time, but I'm running
> >> into a problem that I can not fix, even after a long time of searching.
> >>
> >> To get a real IPv4-Address to my home with only a DSLite connection. I'm
> >> using PFSense with OpenVPN via UDP6 to transport a real IP-Address from
> >> my Hosting Provider (Hetzner) to my home. The problem occurs with
> >> PFSense 2.2 and 2.3. The opposite side (at Hetzner) is a Centos7 with
> >> openvpn-2.3.10-1.el7.x86_64.
> >>
> >> I can create the tunnel and ping without any problem. Sometimes I can
> >> also use TCP without a problem. But most of the time not. The Problem
> >> happens only from the internet to my home and without a detectable
> >> pattern. (time, load on the link, source/destionation ip, Port)
> >> tcpdump show a lot of TCP ACKed unseen segment, TCP Retransmition and
> >> TCP Dup Acks.
> >> From my homenetwork to the Internet there is no problem.
> >>
> >>
> >> My first Idea was MTU, but decrease the MTU did not help. Also the
> >> option mut-test shows on both sides:
> >>  Empirical MTU test completed [Tried,Actual] local->remote=[1584,1584]
> >> remote->local=[1584,1584]
> >>
> >> My second idea (or that of a friend) was bad offloading. So I disabled
> >> all kinds of offloading with this:
> >> ifconfig em0 -rxcsum -txcsum -rxcsum6 -txcsum6 -tso -lro -vlanhwtag
> >> -vlanhwfilter -vlanhwtso
> >> ifconfig em1 -rxcsum -txcsum -rxcsum6 -txcsum6 -tso -lro -vlanhwtag
> >> -vlanhwfilter -vlanhwtso
> >> Without any help.
> >>
> >> Yesterday I freed up another IP and configured a Linux-Machine as a
> >> replacement of the PFSense. With iptables and openvpn and here
> >> everything works without any problems.
> >>
> >> So the problem is PFsense or my misconfiguration of PFSense.
> >>
> >> I really would like to continue to use PFSense, so can anyone give a
> >> hint how to fix this or at least what it can be and where to search.
> >>
> >> CU
> >> Jens
> >>
> >> P.S.:
> >>
> >> My setup:
> >>
> >> The PFSense has a IPV6 Addresse and gets the IPV4 address via the
> >> openvpn tunnel. This is also the default IPv4 GW. I have 3 Networks (in
> >> 192.168.*) in 3 VLANS and use NAT via the Public IP.
> >> PFSense forwards 443 to a internal HTTPS Server and a High Port to a
> >> SSH-Server.
> >>
> >> This setup (without the OpenVPN Tunnel) was working without a problem
> >> for 2 Years before I moved to a new City with this new setup.
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >>
> >
> >
> > Did you increase the verbosity of OpenVPN logging and see what OpenVPN
> > is reporting?  Can you?  Pastebin?
> Hi,
> Here I run it with verb 4 on both sides. But nothing fancy is shown.
> The output can be found here:
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/362219/46229582/
> Thanks for the help.
> CU
> Jens
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