On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 9:29 AM, FrancisM <fran...@mytechrepublic.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 10 May 2016, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Randy Morgan <ran...@chem.byu.edu
>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>> > Having said that there is some question in my mind as to how this
>> actually
>> > works.  Some of what I read indicates that the aggregation actually
>> causes
>> > the LAGG port to, effectively, operate on QOS functionality, meaning that
>> > it cycles between the two links based on available bandwidth.
>> >
>> From my understanding, a single connection will not use both links, but
>> multiple connections will be load balanced among them. Thus, don't expect a
>> single file download to be able to use all 20Mbps of the bandwidth.
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>> pfSense mailing list
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> Does this means if Im doing concurrent download in torrent the two link
> will be both active in use because it uses multiple connections to
> different destinations?
> Im eager to test this feature however I do not have time yet to rewire my
> network to connect in my VM pfsense v2.3 maybe this weekend will try it.
> _______________________________________________

You can bond two connections together.  This is a layer 2 thing though
and some have tried over OpenVPN TAP (layer 2) connections.  Bonding
requires two equal connections and the OpenVPN way I describe adds
overhead, how much I have never been able to calculate.  Layer 2
Bonding also is not meant to handle connection lag to well.

I think some DSL providers can Bond modems at there level but a lot of
ISPs are useless.

Remember bonding is Layer 2.

If I remember correctly LAGG does not combine connections ever.  If
you have a LAGG trunk with 4 connections then it does not bond them
together, instead it uses them as a fail over and to do 4 different
connections between PORTs at once.  I am not even sure that it
monitors speed and it is usually part of a switching topology.

The only way QOS will speed anything up is if you use it to eliminate
bufferbloat.  If an ISP is using QOS upstream it allows you to control
the QOS.  The big part with QOS is that if you get it to the point
where you are in control of your connection you can control what
protocols take priority (VOIP, HTTPS, etc, based on layer 3 (ports,
tcp, udp, not layer 7) and you can also control your ACKs.

I have a site with a variable speed connection and I have huge issues
with connection overload.  I cannot do anything about it because it is
a variable speed connection.  I cannot tell pfSense to measure the
current speed somehow.  Some consumer routers have this functionality
but I do not know how good it works.  Usually the only thing that you
can do in this situation is put your connection at its lowest setting
and control the connection from there.  The problem with this is that
the connection will always be this lowest speed.

Your best bet for torrents on two connections may be to try and use
the power of the protocol.  Try a layer 3 round robin setup.  This
sometimes does not work with https sites because they track which IP
the connection is coming from so if you connect via 1 ip address to a
https site and then take the same session from a second ip then the
webserver will log you out.  There is a setting for sticky https
connections somewhere to avoid this.

But with torrents this should be different.  I do not know how the
reporting of your local connectable host and port would work though.
That is, people connecting to you to get data from your or to your
(NAT routed port in) but your connections out should be round robin-ed
at layer three like every other layer 3 protocol.  Connection speed
may not be distributed evenly across both connections because it round
robins them, not measure how a link is saturated and use the less
saturated link.  This also may not matter with torrents though because
the way the p2p protocol works with enough available connections it is
just going to connect and connect out and eventually, with enough
time, the client server data model that is present should saturate
both of those links.

It will saturate though and your connection will hardly work (except
for the active torrents) because the torrents are saturating that
link.  The only way you can fix this is by limiting all torrent
traffic on the router by some creative QOS.

That is if you know that you down speed is 10mbit...set QOS at 9.5
mbit, test for bufferbloat (there are some tests here:
) and verify that you are not in control of your connection and then
setup some rules to only allow p2p protocols to take up X amount of

Good luck.
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