On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Karl Fife <karlf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We've entered the wonderful world of the traffic limiters. Specifically, we
> put FACEBOOK subnets through a comparatively skinny pipe.  This is done to
> make it JUST a bit too painful to look at kitten photos, but perfectly
> suitable to look at CompetitorCo's facebook page for legitimate business
> purposes. We're still collecting empirical data on how much it disuades
> personal use, but it doesn't seem to create tension the way that explicit
> blocking would.
> The issue:
> in <=2.2 if an in-use limiter is renamed, the system will yell at you.  IMO,
> that's good.

That's not true actually. No input_errors there when renaming a
limiter. You can't delete one that's in use. 2.3 is the same in that

There is a bug ticket open on updating firewall rules when a limiter
is renamed (or preventing renaming) to avoid removal of limiters from
rules when renamed. That's no diff than it's ever been though.
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