On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Richard A. Relph <rich...@relphs.com> wrote:
> Brand new pfSense user here… setting up a VMWare system after upgrading it to 
> 2.3.1_5, doing a reset to factory config, and restarting the web configurator.
> I get to this point:
> and what I want to say is have this pfSense instance have all LAN DNS queries 
> go to the DNS servers configured here. Ignore the DNS servers requested by 
> LAN clients, and ignore DNS servers specified from the WAN DHCP server.
> So I filled in the 2 boxes with the DNS server IP addresses, unchecked the 
> Override DNS box, and then went to Services > DNS Resolver and enabled DNS 
> Query Forwarding as described.
> No dice… no DNS queries succeed. Uncheck the DNS Query Forwarding box and DNS 
> works fine.
> What am I misunderstanding?

Your DNS servers probably don't support DNSSEC. Disable DNSSEC and
it'll probably work.
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