I'm not sure I follow your NAT rule.  The WAN and LAN have to be different 
subnets.  The NAT rule is normally a source address of * (to allow any IP to 
connect) or perhaps in your case (that entire subnet).

However and are in a public IP range allocated to 
Hewlett-Packard...?  That might also be interfering with your routing.


Steve Yates
ITS, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: List [mailto:list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org] On Behalf Of Antonio
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2016 3:55 AM
To: list@lists.pfsense.org
Subject: [pfSense] NAT from WAN to LAN


you'll have to forgive my newbie question but that where we are start at some 
point. I'm really keen to understand more about networking hence my desire to 
learn through pfSense.

This is my setup:

OpenWRT Router on the ADSL which has the network on the LAN side 
and a pfSense linked to the address on the routers LAN (so 
connected to pfSense WAN side). On the LAN side of the pfSense, I have network with on the LAN side. I have a server on the 
LAN on pfSense which I want isolate from all the wireless traffic that is going 
on the (lots of guest accounts). But I also have a multimedia 
client on the network that I want to allow access to the media 
server ( on the network.

I've set up a NAT port forward rule on pfSense like this:

Interface    Protocol    SourceAdd.    SourcePort    DestAdd       
DestPort    NATip               NATport

WAN           TCP           *                    *              8096    8096   

I allowed pfSense to create the firewall rule automatically so this should be 

Why do i not see traffic from the media client being logged (basically, the 
client does appear to be routed to the server through between the two subnets) 
but I do see traffic from the media client on the being logged to the whole network (I see UDP traffic 
from to being logged for netbios on
138) as blocked traffic. When I try to ping the pfSense WAN port on, it does get logged on pfSense but when I try to ping the LAN side 
of the pFSense from the WAN side, nothing gets logged. HAs this got to do with 
the default rules set up during setting up the WAN interface on PfSense:

a) Blocks traffic from IP addresses that are reserved for private networks per 
RFC 1918 (10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16) and unique local addresses per RFC 4193 
(fc00::/7) as well as loopback addresses (127/8).
This option should generally be turned on, unless this network interface 
resides in such a private address space, too.

b) Blocks traffic from reserved IP addresses (but not RFC 1918) or not yet 
assigned by IANA. Bogons are prefixes that should never appear in the Internet 
routing table, and so should not appear as the source address in any packets 
received.Note: The update frequency can be changed under System->Advanced 
Firewall/NAT settings.

I have them both ticked but I thought the NAT rule would take precedence?



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