On Oct 31, 2016 5:57 AM, "Michael Munger" <mich...@highpoweredhelp.com>
> I have multiple WAN connections. When downloading large files, the ping
test on the primary WAN hits the limit for "is this connection down," which
is fine.
> But, it sends me upwards of 50+ emails each time this happens.  I can
have upwards of 500+ emails over night as remote backups pour data in.
> I wouldn't mind one email, since the bandwidth is getting consumed by the
download, which is legit. But the 48 I got the last time I did it are just
not acceptable.
> Is there a way to de-dupe these?
> Michael Munger, dCAP, MCPS, MCNPS, MBSS
> High Powered Help, Inc.
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Microsoft Certified Small Business Specialist
> Digium Certified Asterisk Professional
> mich...@highpoweredhelp.com<mailto:mich...@highpoweredhelp.com>
> _______________________________________________
I am not sure if there is but you could try the advanced settings for your
pinger and adjusting the times there....
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