I'm observing a behavior in pfSense that I'm trying to understand and not
having much luck. I'm going to use the Avahi package as an example.

Essentially, I've installed and configured the package pfSense-pkg-Avahi
from the Package Manager web UI, and configured it as well.
If I run `ps ax | grep avahi` over a shell it shows the "avahi-daemon"
process running so it's all good at this point.

But let's say for whatever reason whether as a developer trying to test a
package I'm working on or I just want to install a package from the shell,
I run:
/usr/local/sbin/pfSense-upgrade -f -i pfSense-pkg-Avahi
or simply (for same result):
pkg install pfSense-pkg-Avahi

It installs/reinstalls/upgrades fine but the avahi-daemon process starts
and then is killed right before the script ends and I get back to the shell

If I re-install the package from the Package Manager UI it seems to run
that exact same command as I ran from the shell yet the avahi-daemon
process remains running without an issue.

Just to do another test I use the "Execute PHP Commands" tool
under /diag_command.php and ran the following single line:
mwexec_bg("/usr/local/sbin/pfSense-upgrade -f -i pfSense-pkg-Avahi");

And I have the same result as running it from a shell.

Arthur Wiebe | +1 519-670-5255
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