On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 at 01:08 WebDawg <webd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It should work though.  A great many people virtualize pfSense:
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/PfSense_on_VMware_vSphere_/_ESXi
> Here is some more information:
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/VirtIO_Driver_Support
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Lost_Traffic_/_Packets_Disappear
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Virtualizing_pfSense_on_Proxmox
> I know what it is like to ask for support and see people stop helping
> because something is virtualized.  I have seen bad code fail in
> virtualization situations only to here 'do not virtualize'.
> From what I know, BSD has trouble with NIC interfaces and such.  Do
> you have any limiters or QOS installed?  I would take a look at the
> nic interfaces first.  Can you actively monitor the log to look for
> errors once the VM is booted?
> I virtualized pfSense on proxmox about a year ago and BSD hated the
> cpu timers and such.  I would get so many issues from it until I
> figured it out but everything was plain as day in the kernel messages
> that were outputted.
> There is an ova file available via the gold subscription:
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/VMware_Appliance
> You need to get more information for me to help further.  It would be
> great to get a copy of some logs.
> Here is a XenServer thread:
> https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=88467
> Last time I virtualized the big deal was hvm nic vs pvhvm NIC.  You
> could do limiters on one (I think hvm) but the NIC's become CPU bound
> because of how HVM works.  I could only push like 10-30 mbits out of
> an i3 processor.
> I do not know if this has been solved, or if it is solvable.  pfSense
> follows FreeBSD so most of the fixes for this come from FreeBSD,
> though pfSense had/has some of its own kernel hacks.
Hi Vick, thanks for the assistance, nonetheless!

Hi WebDawg,
    Yeah, I guessed as much that the problem should be on my side, because
something this fatal should already be widely reported.

    I don't have any limiters or QoS set. I've set up logging of the serial
port so at least I know what are the events leading up to the crash.
Nothing interesting though, it just... happens. How do I set up log
monitoring? My guess is I'll probably have to turn on remote syslog and log
over. Will set up when I get the chance.

    The odd thing is this is a 7+ years old setup (but we did do a fresh
install of 2.3 when we upgraded hardware 1+ years ago), and we never had
any serious issues. In fact it was purring along nicely on 2.3 since it was
first installed, until we upgraded to 2.4.

    I'm pretty confident of the hardware since it is only a year old, the
other VMs are not having any issues, and reverting to 2.3 works fine. Thus
based on a hunch I decided to remove a couple of bridge interfaces
(bridging our oVPN tap interfaces to the main and private LANs) when I sent
my first email to the list.

    The crashes haven't occurred since then for 2 days. I'm not sure if it
is a coincidence or not, but it does seem like my configuration may be
triggering some bug. Or I may have mis-configured something.

    I'll continue to iterate things around to narrow down the problem, but
given that I have to wait a few days after each change to be sure on
whether it crashes or not, any suggestion is very welcome!

Warm regards,
Clear Skies,LiweiCo-Founder, CTO


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