Okay, granted.  Here's the same rule with a different word...

headrule: [some 
        [thru "=== " copy header to newline
        (       append header " (FIRST LEVEL)"
                append full-contents header)            |
        thru "--- " copy header to newline 
        (       append header " (SECOND LEVEL)"
                append full-contents header)    ]

Now, I still only see FIRST LEVEL stored in full-contents while
it's a fact lines with "--- " exist in the file being used...

I've tried the above in just about every concievable possible 
combination and have spent several hours messing with it.  Doesn't
seem to be possible.  In fact, doing something like
[ ... thru ["--- " | "=== "] ... generates a nice rediculous 
error about how "--- | === " can't be used as an argument.....

I'm ready to kick something.  Got to be up and at work in a few 
minutes.  Might as well go to bed and forget this nonsense...  



> >   Okay, question is simple:
> >
> >   Here's my rule:
> >
> > headrule: [some [
> >         [thru "=== " copy head to newline
> >         (       append head " (FIRST LEVEL)"
> >                 append full-contents head)      ]       |
> >         some
> >         [thru "--- " copy head to newline
> >         (       append head " (SECOND LEVEL)"
> >                 append full-contents head)      ]
> >         ]
> > ]
> OK, not sure, but "append head ... what?"
> help head:
> Returns the series at its head.
> Arguments:
>     series --  (series port)
> So, head is the name of REBOL Native function, and you tried to use it
> here as a word-name. Could it cause a problem? I think so. The
> expression enclosed in () is in different context! The REBOL one, where
> 'head is defined as a function ...
> >
> >   Here's the question.  Why does the above only find and append
> > to full-contents lines with "=== " and completely ignore lines
> > with "--- "?????????????????????????????????????????????
> >
> >   Any help will be VASTLY appreciated.
> >
> Let's see if it helps ... :-)
> Regards,
> -pekr-
> >
> >   Cheerfulness,
> >
> >                                         -----EAT

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