Dear Bo,
Thank you very much for your response to my feedback concerning comparison of
numbers. I gathered that you decided that the main problem involved was in
the documentation. But I would like to request that the Rebol team consider
providing more "primitive" comparisons, eg:
>> greater? 1e-16 1e-32
== false              ; not good!
>> gt 1e-16 1e-32     ; my workaround
== true               ; better, but ...
About the fastest comparison function I could provide is:
>> eq: func [a b][zero? a - b]
>> print now i: 0 while [i < 100000][equal? 2 2 i: i + 1] print now
1-Oct-1999/14:15:13+9:00         ; 4 seconds
>> print now i: 0 while [i < 100000][eq 2 2 i: i + 1] print now
1-Oct-1999/14:15:24+9:00         ; 17 seconds
and as you can see it's very slow compared to the native Rebol function.
Now I realize that for a "messaging language" strict accuracy in comparison
may not seem important. But I've found Rebol to be very useful as well for
implementing numerical algorithms (once you've provided the necessary
workarounds), and it seems a shame that Rebol should put such barriers in the
Further, while it might seem useful to ignore slight differences at one
point, I believe that it should always be the programmer to decide when to
do the glossing over, not the language. Any simple criteria for what roundoff
errors to ignore will always produce puzzling contradictions.
There are always problems with floating-point roundoff errors, but the other
languages I've used (C, awk, Perl, XLISP) offer pretty much the same
pitfalls. Rebol just seems to add an extra level of complexity!
Sorry to bother you with these complaints, but I would very much like to see
Rebol accepted by as wide a community as possible.

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