> Hi,
> is it possible REBOL Technologies will introduce some kind of "hardware"
> (port) communication protocols? I mean - parallel, serial, usb for e.g.
> I know it is plaform specific issue, but well, we are already ready to
> break the paradigm. Or at least, REBOL Tech. promissed to produce
> versions of REBOL containing even platform specific issues. I don't care
> my PalmPilot (just example, I don't own one :-) doesn't have usb port
> the same way, as I don't expect it to perform fast 3D, as my desktop
> computer does. We are talking about various purpose devices here, so why
> to expect the same and united REBOL to exist for all of them?

I totally agree with you. Rebol should have had communication port I/O
ages ago, but all we get is stupid TCP ports, which are useless when
you don't run a TCP stack. Then we get CGI and web related stuff,
which once again is pretty useless.

I've several projects shelved because of the lack of I/O (telescope
control is one of them)

I've said once before that it's about time to stop Rebol development
on all the fancy features and return to the real basics and bug

I/O is at the top of my list, then ping (forget the security issues
with this, give the user the option at least) A tuple function that
works correctly (I know this is a difference between my thinking and
Rebol, but I still think that 255 + 1 should roll over to zero, and
increment the next tuple field)

I know someone else who is still waiting for the larg file/large
number of files in ftp to be completly fixed

And finally some comphernsive docs would be nice.


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