I'm certainly glad I added the "(possibly idiotic)" to the subject
line of my first post!  ;-)

<blush> Yes.  That's what I meant. </blush>

> Hi Joel,
> You wrote:
> >    ...
> >            b: reduce [q arg]
> >    ...
> Don't you mean   b: reduce [qry arg]
> The reason REBOL shell drops into a black hole is because Q is assigned the
> function for quitting the shell.

OK.  Now for (possibly idiotic) question 3.  When I correct the
function's definition per the above (header omitted for brevity) ...

    types: [
        any-block?    any-block!
        any-function? any-function!
        any-string?   any-string!
        any-type?     any-type!
        any-word?     any-word!
    checktype: func [
        foreach [qry typ] types [
            b: reduce [qry arg]
            print mold b

... and retry, I get the following ...

    >> do %describe.r
    >> checktype 3
        any-block? 3]
        any-function? 3]
        any-string? 3]
        any-type? 3]
        any-word? 3]

... but changing the source code layout of the 'types block to a single
low (wrapped) line ...

    types: [ any-block? any-block! any-function? any-function!
    any-string? any-string! any-type? any-type! any-word? any-word! ]

... produces a result of ...

    >> do %describe.r
    >> checktype 3
    [any-block? 3]
    [any-function? 3]
    [any-string? 3]
    [any-type? 3]
    [any-word? 3]

This baffles me greatly, as I thought that non-quoted whitespace was
not significant.  Any more words of wisdom for a poor dummy?


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