On 22-Oct-1999/14:41:45+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:41:45 +0200
>Subject: [REBOL] messaging between instances? Re:(4)
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>Hello Steeeve :-)
>> > And, when we get a spare moment, we'll be adding a more direct way of doing it.
>> >
>> > -Carl
>> Music to my ears!
>> Sure hope it's both intra- and inter-instance.
>> ;caution: not responsible for what the following _hypothetical_ code
>> might do to your computer!
>> ;parallel minds eye dialect
>> ;create neurons as multi-port objects with proper app-talk introspective
>> autoconfig synapses
>> instances: [input-neuron neuron1 neuron2 ...]
>> ;build organic parallel model
>> for instance instances ;pun intended
>> [ instance/activate ]
>> ;OK, now give the model something to think about...
>> instances/input-neuron/stimulus "Why does the porridge bird lay her egg
>> in the air?"
>> ;;; blah, blah, blah
>I like your code :-) Hey, man, are you on magic psylocibe mushrooms? :-)
>btw: Carl mentioned today possibility of adding REBOL message port. It would be cool,
>as we could probably test mouse events etc., if I understood him correctly ...
>Anyway, REBOL seems to have promissing future ....
>btw: isn't interpreted language too slow for such kind of neural network simulation?
>:-) Compiler anyone? :-)

I have a nicely abstracted neural net that runs at a decent speed on REBOL even
on a 68060@50MHz Amiga.
                           Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
                       Technical Support Coordinator
           REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
          Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

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