----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 1999 5:08 PM
Subject: [REBOL] http server... Re:

> Hi Kat,
> you wrote:
> >I wrote a server that accepts http requests,
> I expect the server is written in REBOL?

Umm, no,, sorry. Would you believe it's in mirc? I wanted to figure out how
mirc did it.

> >But when i use this line in Rebol:
> > print read http://localhost/d:/aliases/tests.txt
> I assume this line is executed by a second rebol shell acting as a web

No, the first and only Rebol.

> What happens when you enter the following line in the REBOL shell?
> >> print read %/d/aliases/tests.txt

It prints the text of the file properly.
I added some html to the server, so when i ask for a directory it's sent
formatted nicely,, it displays ok in IE5 , but again Rebol chokes on it,

>> print read http://localhost/
connecting to: localhost
** Script Error: Invalid argument: <BODY.
** Where: make integer! value

The first line of the html sent is:
<HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><H4><CENTER> File listing for Root

I don't know html at this point, btw.


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