
When developing on REBOL scripts a error happens from time to time. REBOL
then displays what happened and where it happened. The what is often quite
okay, but the where sucks.

Look at this example:


REBOL [] do %include.r include %html.r

return-stuff: func []

return-empty: func []

        Body [ BgColor "#000000" ]

        Body [ BgColor "#000000" ]
        Body [ BgColor "#000000" ]



Now tell me where the error is:


>> do %where-is-the-bug.r
Script: "Untitled" (none)
Script: "Include" (8-Jun-1999)
Script: "HTML" (20-Jul-1999)
Script: "Nest" (9-Jul-1999)
** Script Error: form is missing its value argument.
** Where: form first block


So, where? form first block? Whats that? I had some error message of this
kind and it toooook me ages to debug. This is not REBOL-like.

Why can't it tell that the return-empty function is faulty? Why the heck
can't REBOL display a nice line number where the error happened? Even it
REBOL does not care about lines internally, it should provide some method
to provide exact reporting *where* an error is.

Apart from that I still don't understannd why Body [] works whereas Body [
return_empty] does not work....

print return-empty directly gives:

** Script Error: print is missing its value argument.
** Where: print return-empty

At least it gives a hint where is happened.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald  - http://helios.home.pages.de
PGP: http://home.pages.de/~helios/autor/wie-erreichen.html

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