Hi, I once more tried to use the ftp stuff from Rebol. I'm using a dialup
connection. For this I connected to the internet and tried to read the root
directory of my ftp server, which gave the following error:

>> read ftp://openip.org
connecting to: openip.org
** User Error: Server error: tcp 500 Bad username format - format is
** Where: read ftp://openip.org

I tried all kind of combinations of user:psw@host etc. with and without the
port no success. I'm using an FTP proxy and have configured in the
following way:

system/schemes/ftp/proxy/host:          "localhost"
system/schemes/ftp/proxy/port-id:       21
system/schemes/ftp/proxy/type:          'generic

I can see that a ftp session is established but nothing happens. Any idea
where the problem is?

Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
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