How can I avoid getting the following error in REBOL?

Access Error: Network timeout.

Below is the meat of the script I am running.  I have already used an 
error? statement to try to eliminate this problem.  The script first 
verfies it can connect to a server before trying to read the index page 
on the server.  Is there anything more I can do to prevent the script 
from stopping on an access error?  My real script has about 500 urls in 
the site: block and it is a real pain when the script stops running 
because of an access error.



;--- webfinder.r variation ---

    Title: "Search Multiple Web Pages"
    File:  %webfinder.r
    Date:  20-May-1999
    Purpose: {
        Search multiple web pages for a string, and print
        the URL of the ones where it was found.

secure none

sites: [


foreach url sites [
    either error? try [find read url "REBOL"] [next url] [either find 
read url "REBOL" [print "FOUND mention of REBOL"] [print "no mention of 

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