
once again FTP rears it's ugly head.  I'm using Rebol to implement an
automated file retrieval system, and I've got to have it periodically
check an FTP directory for files, and then, download them to the local
system.  The target system this will be running on is Windows NT, so I'm
doing my development on NT.

In theory, this should be pretty simple - and I've managed to do it before
on Win NT, and 9x as well as Solaris.  However, something is up in this
case - I keep getting the following error:

** Access Error: Network timeout.
** Where: print read ftp://username:password@ipaddress/

Where the username, password, and ipaddress are actually hard-coded (I
can't reveal them).

If I open a DOS prompt, and type:
D:\rebol>ftp ipaddress

I get the following response:

D:rebol>ftp [ipaddress]
Connected to [ipaddress].
220 snuffy Microsoft FTP Service (Version 3.0)
User (ipaddress:(none)): [username]
331 Password required for [username].
230-Welcome To [servername]

230 User [username] logged in.

So, this works fine - yet when I attempt to use rebol - as outlined above
- to retrieve a directory listing, and I've typed out the literal
username, password, and ip address into the URL - I get a network timeout!
I'm hooked up to the Internet via a DSL connection, no DHCP, or ip
masquerading is going on.

Any thoughts as to why Rebol is timing out, but the command prompt isn't?

- Porter

PS:  Oh yeah - there's a bug in the URL formation that causes rebol to
lockup, and crash - just insert a double slash in-between a URL and the
file name like so:


This causes lock-ups on my system.

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