On 17-Nov-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i have installed REBOL in /usr/local/ ...
> when i  used REBOL for the first time it created user.r in 
> REBOL_HOME ... which hapens to be .. /usr//local/rebol...

And for thos who don't recognize this, I'd say this is on Linux/BSD/Unix.

Using Rebol the first time on my Linux box, I said no to the create user.r
at this time question, as I haven't yet finished setting up all of my local
network configuration.  The next time I ran Rebol, it didn't ask, as if the
user.r had been created.  What's up?
486DX2-50, 20MB, RedHat 5.2

Linux and Xfree86 question for Linux users.  Using FVWM95 window manager (if
it makes any difference) on a 640x480 monitor, why do certain applications
always open their windows with the titlebar far above the top of the
A newer, larger monitor is not currently feasible here, all my equipment is
used (some was free) and the area is quite rural.


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