Hi Tom,

you wrote:
In this example you are using 'cursor'
>in the
>definition of cursor, is that right? 

Cursor is just a word I made up. You could use index or insert-position or
whatever you like instead of cursor, as long as you use it consistently
both when you retrieve the position right in front of the </HTML> tag,
that's at the point

[ to </HTML insert-here: ... ]

and then later when you insert the stuff into that position:

[ ... (insert insert-here {some text here ^/})]

>What do the symbols  ^/ mean here?

It tells REBOL to add a newline at that position. I used it because I
wanted to force </HTML> on a new line, as it had been before. The old
newline will have create the line into which the new stuff is inserted.

>This method seems to be putting a blank line in every line of the page.
>Do you know anything about that?

No, I don't see why it would do that. You can send a sample original page?

Hope this helps 


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