Hi Jerry, Dave

Thanks for jumping in Jerry.  But your function below does not do the *same
thing* as mine:

to-2byte: func [int [integer!]][
     head reverse do join "#{" [(copy skip (to-string to-hex int) 4) "}"]

At the console

>> to-hex 8760
== #00002238
This is the pattern of hex digits for a 4-byte non-reversed integer value of

>> to-2byte 8760
== #{3822}
This is my result which is the correct 2-byte byte-reversed binary value.

>> byter 8760
== #{00003822}
This is the result from your function. It is a 4-byte binary value.
However, only the 2-least significant bytes are reversed.

The correct 4-byte byte-reversed value is:
All four bytes are reversed.

Larry :-)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 3:02 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Newbie seeks help Re:(3)

> Dave,
> Just for fun I wrote another way of doing the same thing:
> byter: func [n [integer!]]
> [do join "#{" [to-hex (256 * (n // 256)) + to-integer (n / 256) "}"]]
> Jerry

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