Hi Russell,

I hope I get this reply out to you in time.

Perldiver is a perl script that just outputs all the CGI environment
variables, with some other host server info thrown in as well. It took me
two hours to find a script like this, it's insane but true, and if you want
to find it, just search for "perldiver" in Altavista, that should do the
trick (eventually did it for me ;o).

Just upload this script to your provider's cgi-bin directory, chngmod it to
755, and access it with your browser. This shows you the host's operating
system. I tried two different providers, and one ran Linux on ix86, and the
other ran FreeBSD. I had to guess that the Linux server had Libc5 installed,
but it worked, so I hope yours has FreeBSD (just one Rebol exe =).

Setting up rebol is easy afterwards. Copy the executable to that same
cgi-bin directory, chngmod it to 755, write a simple Rebol script like this:

#! rebol -cs

print "Content-type: text/plain^/^/"

print "Gee, this Rebol CGI thing is really simple!"


..save it as test.cgi and upload it to your server, chngmod it to 755. To
test it, browse to your new script.

I camouflaged Rebol a bit by changing its name to "info" and then referring
to: #! info -cs in my scripts, probably won't help much when they bust me!

Ayway, that should do the trick.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 18:40
> Subject: [REBOL] Running unauthorised CGI Re:
> As a non-Perler, what does Perldiver look like and how do I use it with my
> commercial server?

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