...try it out. I had few time to work on it, but I think it can
be interesting. Let me know what you think!

o--------------------) .-^-. (----------------------------------o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC     \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o--------------------) `-v-' (----------------------------------o

    Title: "Simple file manager"

; -- interfaccia testuale (richiede REBOL 2.2)

restring: func [b] [make string! reduce b]

control-sequences: make object! [
    csi: "^(1B)["
    sequence: func [
        s [block!]
    ] [
        restring bind s 'self
    left: func [
        "Sposta il cursore n caratteri a sinistra"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "D"]
    right: func [
        "Sposta il cursore n caratteri a destra"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "C"]
    up: func [
        "Sposta il cursore n righe in alto"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "A"]
    down: func [
        "Sposta il cursore n righe in basso"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "B"]
    move-to: func [
        "Sposta il cursore alla posizione specificata"
        row [integer!]
        column [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi row ";" column "H"]
    home: sequence [csi "H"]
    delete: func [
        "Cancella n caratteri a destra"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "P"]
    insert: func [
        "Inserisce n spazi"
        n [integer!]
    ] [
        sequence [csi n "@"]
    cls: sequence [csi "J"]
    clear-to-end-of-line: sequence [csi "K"]
    cursor-pos: sequence [csi "6n"]
    dimensions: sequence [csi "7n"]

input-codes: make object! [
    up: "^(1B)[A"
    down: "^(1B)[B"
    right: "^(1B)[C"
    left: "^(1B)[D"
    ;home: "^(1B)[H"
    ;end: "^(1B)[E"
    page-up: "^(1B)[5~"
    page-down: "^(1B)[6~"
    ;insert: "^(1B)[I"
    delete: "^(7F)"
    tab: "^-"
    enter: "^M"

input-loop: func [
    "Ciclo di attesa dell'input"
    body [block!]
] [
    body: copy body
    forskip body 2 [
        if word? body/1 [
            change body get in input-codes body/1
    forever [
        switch get-input head body
send-sequence: func [
    "Invia una sequenza alla console"
    seq [block!]
] [
    write/binary console:// restring bind seq in control-sequences 'self

digits: charset "1234567890"

console-get: func [
    "Legge la posizione del cursore o le dimensioni della console"
    'what [word!]
    /local row col
] [
    send-sequence reduce [what]
    ; parse sarà studiata nella prossima lezione
    parse/all get-input [
        copy row some digits 
        copy col some digits 
        "R" end
    reduce [to-integer row to-integer col]

get-cursor: func [] [console-get cursor-pos]
get-dimensions: func [] [console-get dimensions]

footer: "Q: Quit  TAB: Exchange S/D  DEL: Del.  P: Prev.  V: Show  C: Copy  M: Move"

redraw: func [
    "Ridisegna lo schermo"
    /local width height
] [
    set [height width] get-dimensions
    send-sequence [
        move-to height 1
        copy/part footer width
    lister1/set-rect 1 1 to-integer width / 2 height - 1
    lister2/set-rect (to-integer width / 2) + 1 1 to-integer width / 2 height - 1

get-input: func [] [
    to-string read/binary/wait console://

show-text: func [
    "Mostra un testo a schermo"
    lines [block!]
    sk [integer!]
    rows [integer!]
    margin [integer!]
    /local line x
] [
    rows: min rows length? lines
    line: make paren! [copy/part skip lines/1 sk margin]
    x: margin + 2
    for y 2 rows + 1 1 [
        send-sequence [
            move-to y 2
            line clear-to-end-of-line 
            move-to y x "|"
        lines: next lines

show-box: func [
    "Mostra un riquadro a schermo"
    x [integer!]
    y [integer!]
    lines [block!]
] [
    for y y (y + length? lines) - 1 1 [
        send-sequence [
            move-to y x
        lines: next lines

message: func [
    "Visualizza un messaggio"
    msg [string! block!] "Linea o blocco di linee"
    /confirm "Chiede conferma all'utente"
    /local scrw scrh boxw boxh boxx boxy box border blank res
] [
    set [scrh scrw] get-dimensions
    if string? msg [msg: reduce [msg]]
    boxh: length? msg
    boxw: 13
    foreach line msg [if boxw < length? line [boxw: length? line]]
    box: make block! 100
    border: make string! 100
    blank: make string! 100
    insert insert/dup insert border "+" "-" boxw "+"
    insert/dup blank " " boxw
    boxx: to-integer ((scrw - boxw) / 2) - 1
    boxy: to-integer ((scrh - boxh) / 2) - 1
    insert box border
    foreach line msg [
        insert tail box restring [
            "|" head change copy blank copy/part line boxw "|"
    insert tail box border
    res: either confirm [
        insert tail box restring [
            "| [Y]es" head insert/dup copy "" " " (boxw - 10) "[N]o |"
        insert tail box border
        boxy: boxy - 1
        show-box boxx boxy box
        use [input] [
            while [not found? find ["Y" "N"] input: get-input] []
            input = "Y"
    ] [
        show-box boxx boxy box
lister: make object! [
    x: y: w: h: 0
    border: make string! 100
    blank: make string! 100
    set-rect: func [
        xx yy ww hh
    ] [
        set [x y w h] reduce [xx yy ww hh]
        clear border
        clear blank
        insert insert/dup insert border "+" "-" w - 2 "+"
        insert insert/dup insert blank "| " " " w - 3 "|"
    list: make block! 0
    current: 1
    redraw: func [
        "Disegna il lister"
        /local line row
    ] [
        send-sequence [
            move-to y x
            move-to y + h - 1 x
        row: y + 1
        foreach element copy/part list h - 2 [
            line: head
                    next next copy blank 
                    copy/part form element w - 3
            send-sequence [
                move-to row x
            row: row + 1
        for row row y + h - 2 1 [
            send-sequence [
                move-to row x
    draw-pointer: func [] [
        send-sequence [
            move-to y + current x + 1
    clear-pointer: func [] [
        send-sequence [
            move-to y + current x + 1
            " "
    down: func [] [
        if current < length? list [
            either current < (h - 2) [
                current: current + 1
            ] [
                list: next list
    up: func [] [
        either current > 1 [
            current: current - 1
        ] [
            if not head? list [
                list: back list
    get-current: func [] [
        pick list current

lister1: make lister []
lister2: make lister []

; -- file manager

change-active-dir: func [
    "Cambia la directory corrente"
    dir [file!]
] [
    source-dest/2: dir
    source-dest/1/list: sort read dir
    source-dest/1/current: 1

refresh: func [] [
    source-dest/1/list: sort read source-dest/2
    source-dest/3/list: sort read source-dest/4

swap: func [
    "Scambia sorgente e destinazione"
    sd [block!]
] [
    change sd reduce [sd/3 sd/4 sd/1 sd/2]

cases-dialect: make object! [
    else-if: if: func [
        body [block!]
    ] [
        system/words/if condition [
            do body
    else: :do

do-cases: func [
    cases [block!]
] [
    any bind cases in cases-dialect 'self

form-error: func [
    "Genera un messaggio di errore"
    error [error!]
    /local id type
] [
    error: disarm error
    id: error/id 
    type: error/type
    reduce [
        "*** Error"
        reform ["*** Type:" system/error/:type/type]
        reform ["*** Why:" reform bind system/error/:type/:id in error 'self]
        reform ["*** Near:" trim/lines mold error/near]

execute-script: func [
    "Esegue lo script specificato"
    script [file!]
    /local result id type
] [
    send-sequence [cls]
    print "Provo ad eseguire lo script..."
    either error? result: try [do script] [
        foreach line form-error result [
            print line
    ] [
        print ["Risultato dello script:" mold result]
    print "Un tasto per continuare..."

text?: func [
    file [file!]
    /local freq sum
] [
    file: read/binary/part file 512
    freq: array/initial 256 0
    foreach byte file [
        byte: byte + 1
        poke freq byte freq/:byte + 1
    sum: 0
    for i 32 126 1 [sum: sum + freq/:i]
    sum > ((4 * length? file) / 5)

view-text: func [
    textfile [file!]
    /local scrh scrw border footer sk refresh maxskip maxindex
] [
    set [scrh scrw] get-dimensions
    border: make string! 100
    insert insert/dup insert border "+" "-" scrw - 2 "+"
    footer: "Q: Quit   Arrows,PgUp,PgDown: Scrolling"
    send-sequence [
        border CRLF
        down scrh - 3
        border CRLF
        copy/part footer scrw 
    for i 2 scrh - 2 1 [
        send-sequence [
            move-to i 1 "|"
            right scrw - 2 "|" CRLF
    textfile: parse/all detab/size read textfile 4 "^/"
    maxskip: 0
    foreach line textfile [if maxskip < length? line [maxskip: length? line]]
    maxskip: max 0 maxskip - (scrw - 2)
    maxindex: (4 + length? textfile) - scrh
    show-text textfile 0 scrh - 3 scrw - 2
    sk: 0
    refresh: make paren! [
        show-text textfile sk scrh - 3 scrw - 2
    input-loop [
        "Q" [break]
        up [
            if not head? textfile [
                textfile: back textfile
        down [
            if maxindex > index? textfile [
                textfile: next textfile
        left [
            if sk > 0 [
                sk: sk - 1
        right [
            if sk < maxskip [
                sk: sk + 1
        page-up [
            if not head? textfile [
                textfile: skip textfile negate scrh - 4
        page-down [
            if maxindex > index? textfile [
                textfile: skip textfile min scrh - 4 maxindex - index? textfile

show-info: func [
    "Mostra informazioni sul file"
    file [file!]
    /local name maxlen info
] [
    maxlen: to-integer (pick get-dimensions 2) / 2
    name: form file
    if maxlen < length? name [
        name: restring ["..." skip tail name negate (maxlen - 3)]
    info: info? file
    message reduce [
        restring ["Informations on " name]
        restring ["Size: " info/size]
        restring ["Last modification: " info/date]

source-dest: reduce [
    lister1 system/script/path
    lister2 system/script/path


show-message-on-error: func [
    "Se avviene un errore, mostra un messaggio"
    code [block!] "Codice da eseguire"
    /local error
] [
    if error? set/any 'error try code [
        message form-error error

input-loop [
    "Q" [
        send-sequence [cls]
    up [
    down [
    tab [
        swap source-dest
    enter [
        show-message-on-error [
            file: join source-dest/2 source-dest/1/get-current
            do-cases [
                if dir? file [
                    change-active-dir file
                else-if script? file [
                    execute-script file
                else-if text? file [
                    view-text file
                else [
                    show-info file
    "P" [
        show-message-on-error [
            change-active-dir first split-path source-dest/2
    delete [
        show-message-on-error [
            file: source-dest/1/get-current
            if message/confirm reduce [
                "Confermi la cancellazione del file:"
                restring [file " ?"]
            ] [
                delete join source-dest/2 file
    "V" [
        show-message-on-error [
            view-text join source-dest/2 source-dest/1/get-current
    "C" [
        show-message-on-error [
            use [source dest file] [
                source: join source-dest/2 file: source-dest/1/get-current
                dest: join source-dest/4 file
                write/binary dest read/binary source
    "M" [
        show-message-on-error [
            use [source dest file] [
                source: join source-dest/2 file: source-dest/1/get-current
                dest: join source-dest/4 file
                write/binary dest read/binary source
                system/words/delete source
    "R" [refresh]

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