You could just include a few fatal hard-to-find bugs; guarantee yourself some support 

For kow, since REBOL is an interpereted language, your best bet would be to 
copyright/patent your creation (whatever works in nz).  You might try encrypting it 
somehow and adding a wrapper decryption program in some other language.  This still 
wouldn't be incredibly effective.  

As far as the REBOL runtime is concerned, Rebol technologies has said that Rebol/core, 
the version available now for download off of their website, will always be freely 
available.  This means that any features you can use now (because no other versions of 
REBOL are currently available) are available through Rebol/core, which can be deployed 
for free.  If you need Rebol/Command or Rebol/whatever, pricing has yet to be 
announced and may still be undetermined.

Andrew Grossman

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello to those in the REBOL world...

Lets say ( just for fun ) that I had spent 6 months tolling away with REBOL,
and had produced a marvellous piece of software, that does everything. Even
making a fine cup of  coffee!  

Let's then say, that I want to sell it for millions of N.Z Dollars ( No open
sourcing here...) 

How would I stop people from ripping into my code and pirating it as their

After all, REBOL is an easy to understand language. It's pretty open to
editing... A little bit of piracy would be easy... my retirement to the Gold
Coast would then be threatened.

And... If I did happen to sell my Software (not saying that I would)....
Would I have to sell to my customers, their own copy of rebol? Or do they
buy their own copy? 

Because I don't think REBOL  will be free forever... will it? (<==-- Not
wanting to get into a debate over this issue)
--- end of quote ---

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