See below:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 11:42 AM
Subject: [REBOL] "logical" value referencing ... Re:(3)


> Personally, I'm also trying to beginning to question why APPEND
> automatically jumps to the TAIL, but EMPTY? doesn't automatically jump
> to the HEAD. May submit that one. Doesn't seem consistent.

As 'append and 'empty? perform different functions, one adding something to
a series, the other providing info about a series, why should they be
"consistent"?  'append certainly should 'insert at 'tail.  If you want to
insert somewhere else in the series, 'insert can do it.  Having 'empty?
report on the series from the index to the tail is a convenience.  If it
didn't, someone would surely ask for a variety of empty? that did!  To look
at the whole series,  use 'empty? 'head <some series variable>.  As it is,
'empty? could be useful as a loop termination test where each step of the
loop 'remove's something and one needs to know if all the items have been
removed.   IMO, submission isn't needed.

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