THANK YOU!  I wish I could have said it so well (and succinctly!)


> > both 'a and 'b refer to the same string, but to different positions
> within that string?  Isn't it valid to say that 'a and 'b are not the
> same series, but that each is a series referring to the same string (or
> whatever we want to call the data storage in this example)?
> Isn't that less ambiguous than saying that they are the same series?
> The ambiguity is that there is no cannonical term for the "data
> storage" element of a series. We're told that "The essential
> characteristics of a series are that it contains a set of values that
> are organized in a particular order." We can surmise the "position" is
> properly called the INDEX, since the "get position" function is named
> INDEX?, but the "set of values" is not given a proper name.
> So, we are reduced to contriving terms, like "data storage".
> The entity exists, it is declared an "essential characteristic" of a
> series; is it so unreasonable to ask that REBOL give the data set some
> proper name and end the ambiguity?
> -Ted.

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