> Let's consider now another version of the Mystery Function that has
> been discussed in this thread.
>     >> container: ["" "x"]
>     == ["" "x"]

> This word just holds a block of data.  The first element of the block
> is a reference to an empty string; the second element is a reference
> to a string of length 1.

Exuse me folks - I am far from being expert in language theories or programming,
so I will represent "simple" view here.

I know we all try to find best way to describe the behavior, but I wonder in

1) use language features to describe it's components:

- there is no 'reference nor 'reference? function, so?
- type? first container returns string!, so it is string and from that point of
view should not be regarded anything else, dot.
- value? first container returns true, so the empty string itself has a value
- >> source value?
value?: native [
    "Returns TRUE if the word has been set."
hmm, "... if the word has been set." What word are we talking about here? The
description for 'value? shoul be changed then.

So, as for Rebol itself, it fails to describe what "" and [] really are.

2) I've thought REBOL is about simplicity, not confusion. If there is a problem
because of "" [] only, remove the problem!
What about one exception in REBOL - always create copy of "" [] by default ...
Wouldn't it help to remove all unintuitiveness we are talking about here? Look
also at following:

->> container: ["" "x" ""]
== ["" "x" ""]
->> source same?
same?: native [
    "Returns TRUE if the values are identical."
->> same? first container third container
== false


->> a: ""
== ""
->> b: ""
== ""
->> insert a "Ahoy"
== ""
->> print a
->> print b

->> print head b

So, from another point of view ""s reference to some empty strings, but not the
same ones! If so, how's that 'a, used as a local in a function, initialised to ""
in the body of function, refers to the same string?

example: func [/local a][a: "" insert a "1" print a]

In above example, 'a and 'b refer to empty strings, the different ones. So, if 'a
is local in our function, each function call should refer to DIFFERENT "" string.
Or indefinite extent in action here? I think not.

>From the Amiga land, I remember one motto: KISS - keep is simple, stupid. And
simple means - the thing works the way most people expect it to work. Can we
afford such exceptions in the language? What about introduction of  new datatypes?
any-string, empty-string ... Could it help?

3) I just wonder, why are REBOL Tech. folks so silent? Why not enter the
discussion, introducing proper solution? I would expect it from language creators.

As for me, I can live with a: copy "" or a: make string! "", but care should be
taken of REBOL newcomers ...



> -jn-

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