
sorry for disagreeing with you:

not silly.


> Hi Elan,
> I think you've got us all mystified. You said to Joel:
> >You also quote excerpts that demonstrate the use of the verb "to refer"
> >a context where something is being referred to. This class of quotes does
> >not make any statement about WHAT IS DOING the referring. What use are
> >quotes that demonstrate that values can be referred to, even though they
> >are not words? I never claimed that values being referred to must be
> >I said that only words are references, and only words can be
> >>> help get
> >Gets the value of a word.
> >Arguments:
> >    word -- Word to get (any-word)
> >Refinements:
> >    /any -- Allows any type of value, even unset.
> I can't for the life of me see how the help for GET says anything about
> technical meaning of the word of the term "refer" or "reference", given
> the word isn't used at all. Then when you go on to prove that string
> cannot refer by showing that strings cannot be used as an argument to GET,
> my confusion is compounded many-fold. Where does it say that only words
> be dereferenced? I haven't even seen the term "dereference" in the
> documentation.
> Maybe this will help me understand what you're thinking. How do you
> what happens here?
> >> string: "abcdefghij"
> == "abcdefghij"
> >> b: [] loop 5 [append b string string: next string]
> == "fghij"
> >> b
> == ["abcdefghij" "bcdefghij" "cdefghij" "defghij" "efghij"]
> >> unset 'string
> >> remove first b
> == "bcdefghij"
> >> b
> == ["bcdefghij" "cdefghij" "defghij" "efghij" "fghij"]
> Here's an interesting use of the term "reference" from the
> User's Guide 2.2.0 [DRAFT 2] (sersearch.html)
>    Search Constraints
>    The /part refinement takes one argument, a range to search.
>    This can be a numeric range, or series. When a series is
>    used, find/part uses the count of elements between the
>    current index of the search series and the current index of
>    the series argument as the range to constrain to. The
>    series used as the range argument must reference the same
>    series that's being searched.
> You'll see that a "series" is said to reference a "series" - not terribly
> clear wording, but given that they haven't had time to fully consider
> proposals I'd say it's a forgivable lapse.
> The behavior described here may be illustrated as follows:
> >> a: "this is a string to be searched"
> == "this is a string to be searched"
> >> find a "string"
> == "string to be searched"
> >> find a "search"
> == "searched"
> >> find/part a "string" find a "search"
> == "string to be searched"
> >> find/part a "search" find a "string"
> == none
> In the final statement here,
>    find a "string"
> returns a reference to A which constrains the find/part to a portion of A
> which doesn't include the substring "search"
> Here's another example, from sercopy.html:
>    Copying Embedded Series With the /deep Refinement
>    The /deep refinement forces copy to copy all series values
>    within a block.
>    When copying series values in a block, the reference to the
>    series is copied, not the series itself. Modifications to
>    series in a copied block will modify the series in the copy.
> It implies quite clearly that references can exist within a block.
> BTW, you may have spotted Joel's solution to my puzzle, which I confess is
> silly variation of one of Ladislav's puzzles.
> See you,
> Eric

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