On 28-Dec-99 22:08:41 icimjs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi -t,

> why not write a C or Java source code generator in REBOL?

[snipped only to reduce post size - see thread]

Hmmm, and then you can create a dialect that allows you to control the
use of the dialect you use to generate another language code...

All you are really doing here is creating another layer of language and
translation (lets' not forget the layer of translation that takes your C
code and translates it to binary).

Like you said, to do this, one would become an expert at the language they
are trying to automate, and this alone greatly reduces the point of
automating code generation. For you still are dealing with manual coding
of the rebol "C" (or whtever) generator.

You cannot excape the problem by repeating it.

You mentioned looking at specific language code enough to see what is
constant, what can be automated. There is much that we do over and over
and even in dynamic ways, from things we do on and thru computers to much
more away from computers. But to recognize these action constants...

There are constants/actions, nine of them and the configuration of them
that provide ultimate exception handeling versatility.

The traditional programming methodologies, such as what rebol applies....

Well lets' just say, Rebol is a very good canidate for a language to
use in automating it's code generation. A language such that automating
it's code creation may very well be easier (less work) than other more
complex languages. Complexity here is only a matter of how much you need
to do in order to generate proper code.

Ok, now I suppose it's time for someone to "eduate" you that I'm supposed
to be some sort of loon. But I'm not, and even loons are not immune to
these nine action constants!


Tim Rue

Why reinvent what what many others make and that you can use instead of

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