> t,
> Do you like to write entertainment, utility, automation or some other type
> of scripts?  Let us know and maybe we can give you some suggestions on
> what to try to script :-)

Howdy Bo,

Well, for starters something that looks right. my little masterpieces
are u-g-l-y. (that's one reason I want an emacs mode to help me...)

I think, utility stuff.  like something that will loop thru my netscape
mail folder, strip the headers, and save each message as a file with the
first three words of the subject for the filename,

or something manipulate files on my web site that are updated every day,
without *any* intervention by me.
my scripts automate my daily chore (oh, I just modified one, and broke
it), but I still have to do more than I'd like...

also, I really do like the idea of a C or Java code generator.  I think
I'll go for Java in school (not this semester but next), because it's
probably easier than c or c++...right now I don't know java from a heap
of coffee grounds.  So the code generator may be a little above my head.

sorry for being so long-winded!


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