Thank you Ted for your comments but actually I have no such a web server where I can manipulate permissions and so on. My website is hosted by some guys I don't even know but don't allow CGI scriptting on their server.
I need to find ways that don't envolve server side solutions to handle protection file stuff.
It seems that only with a Java Applet I could do that. Am I wrong?
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, December 30, 1999 5:13 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Simple Password Checking Re:

Why don't you want them to enter their own username and password?
If that's not a critical requirement, and if you're using an Apache Web server, you should be able to do this just by editing a permissions file in whatever directories you want to protect. The browser would then prompt for the username and password automatically, and there is nothing else to do. Under Windows, I think if their desktoip login name/password matches a Website user/password, they might not be prompted at all, but I would have to check that.
Another approach would be to use a script that checked the password in an internal file, and then passed them the URL to download from a secret directory on your server. If you didn't want them to bother with a password the second time, from the same location, you could save the user information in a cookie.
In either case, they wouldn't need REBOL on their machines. It can all be handled server side. Entering the username/password at least once seems simpler than getting people to install REBOL to run one script.
If this is a critical requirement for same reason, another idea might be to distribute a HTML page with their username and password embedded in a "click me" hyperlink, which would then send this to a server-side script (see approach /2).

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On 12/30/1999 at 3:28 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Rebols,
I'm fighting against the idea of having to learn Perl or Java just to get this small project:
I'm considering the possibility of having a script on my web site that could grant permission to some users to download files according to the rights they have.
The idea is to distribute REBOL.EXE to the people I want to access my web site so they can login without having to enter USERNAME & PASSWORD.
All they have to do is to run this script that probably will have to have their username & password values inside it and also what files each user can download.
Since username and password match, the script will write on user's machine their files.
Is it possible?
Does anyone here would like to make me a draft of this in REBOL? Some code I could use as a start point, since I'm a beginner.
Thanks for any help
Happy New Year to you all from Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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