John Childers, CEO
Golden Gate Graphics web site:

From: Larry Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John W. Childers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(cc:  The Denver Area "6502 Group")
>My experience is that the typical ISP is not very helpful with the kind of
>programming tasks that you want to do. Their typical user is an ordinary
>citizen who just wants a simple web page to post his/her family pictures.
>To get the kind of access you want, you have to higher level of service
>I have found the kind of service you want in two different places. The
>first is a free public access ISP called NYX. NYX is a non-profit which
>provide internet and UNIX access free of charge. They are supported by
>donations, so if you feel guilty, you can make a periodic donation. They
>provide complete UNIX shell access and you can write CGI scripts and C
>programs to your hearts content. They do provide some web hosting
>services, but it is not the kind of place you want to use for a commercial
>site. It is however, a great place to experiement with scripts and
>programs etc. The web address is:
>The second kind of place is a full service web hosting company. These
>companies typically don't provide dialup service, so you have to telnet or
>ftp in from another service. The one I am using is called Interactive
>Online. They provide everything you need including your own CGI directory,
>annonymous FTP directory and access to the log files. They also have a
>complete library of CGI scripts and of course you can write your own.
>The web address is:
>I hope the information is useful. If you have any questions, feel free to
>Larry Fish

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