Hi Kevin et al,

I've got a REBOL Mp3 ID3v1 tag reader here if that of any use to you. Could
use it as part of
automating file naming as per the ID3 tag info.

I'm going to use it as part of playlist creator, ie make-playlist/year
%list-1983.mpu 1983

Let me know if interested. I tried to post it to REBOL.org, but it made a
loud thud :(


Allen K

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 7:19 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Music (MP3) on REBOL Re:(2)

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Any plans for REBOL to support MP3?
> >
> Petr wrote:
> > ... but maybe there is another way ... REBOL/Command should support
> > embedding into custom apps. So let's ask mp3 players authors to add
> > port into it and you can link your rebol to such app. Another solution
> > - REBOL/Command is supposed to support external apps execution at least,
> > so you will be able to start your favourite mp3 player ...
> Why wait?  A REBOL port is just a standard TCP/IP port, and there
> already  MP3 players that can be controlled via TCP.
> I'm in the (slow) process of building a standalone/dedicated MP3
> player into an old CD player chassis I had laying around.  See the
> attached code.  I welcome any comments or feedback.
> Cheers,
> Kev
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sunshine Communications                     http://www.sunshinecable.com
>                       **NOTE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS**
> PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com


> #!/usr/local/rebol/rebol -s
> Title:  "MP3 Controller"
> Date:   29-Dec-1999
> Author: "Kevin McKinnon"
> File:   %mp3.r
> Purpose: {
> Controller for a stand-alone MP3 player which is being
> built with a P233MMX motherboard mounted inside a gutted
> Pioneer PDM-401 6-pack CD Player chassis.  The LCD routines
> control a Matrix Orbital LK204-25 serial LCD display.
> (www.matrixorbital.com, Cdn distrib: www.hvwtech.com)
> Operating system: Linux 2.2.13 (Slackware 7.0)
> MP3 player: www.mpegtv.com
> This script is called via a shell script that pipes the output
> of the MP3 player into Rebols STDIN.
> All song filenames are formatted "Artist-Title.mp3" for easy parsing.
> 'input?/'input don't seem to be working all that well for the piped
> input from xaudio.  Can read-io be used for STDIN?
> }
> ]
> com: open/binary/direct %/dev/ttyS1
> cmd: to-string #{FE}
> lcdclear: rejoin [cmd "X"]
> lcdhome: rejoin [cmd "H"]
> lcdcurson: rejoin [cmd "J"]
> lcdcursoff: rejoin [cmd "K"]
> lcdcursblinkon: rejoin [cmd "S"]
> lcdcursblinkoff: rejoin [cmd "T"]
> lcdwrapon: rejoin [cmd "C"]
> lcdwrapoff: rejoin [cmd "D"]
> lcdscrollon: rejoin [cmd "Q"]
> lcdscrolloff: rejoin [cmd "R"]
> lcdbacklighton: rejoin [cmd "B" ^@]
> lcdbacklightoff: rejoin [cmd "F"]
> lcdinit: rejoin [lcdwrapon lcdscrollon lcdbacklighton lcdcursoff
>                  lcdcursblinkoff lcdclear]
> runtime: 0:00:01
> append com lcdinit
> titleartistdisplay: make function! [filename] [
>   tasplit: parse first parse last parse to-string filename "/" "." "-"
>   artist: copy/part join first tasplit ["                    "] 20
>   title: copy/part join second tasplit ["                    "] 20
>   duration: rejoin ["             " counter]
>   display: rejoin [lcdhome title artist duration]
>   append com display
> ]
> mp3cue: make function! [filename] [
>   mp3ctlport: open tcp://
>   print rejoin ["open " to-string filename crlf]
>   insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["open " to-string filename crlf]
>   close mp3ctlport
>   while [input?] [
>     a: input
>     if (find a "duration") [
>       runtime: to-time to-integer last parse a "[]"
>     ]
>     if ((copy/part a 22) = "MSG notify stream info") [break]
>     print a
>   ]
> ;  print "broke with ack"
> ]
> mp3play: make function! [] [
>   mp3ctlport: open tcp://
>   print rejoin ["play" crlf]
>   insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["play" crlf]
>   close mp3ctlport
> ]
> mp3stop: make function! [] [
>   mp3ctlport: open tcp://
>   print rejoin ["stop" crlf]
>   insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["stop" crlf]
>   close mp3ctlport
> ]
> mp3close: make function! [] [
>   mp3ctlport: open tcp://
>   print rejoin ["close" crlf]
>   insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["close" crlf]
>   close mp3ctlport
> ]
> comment {
> getkeypad: make function! [
>   buffer: make string! 16
>   result: make string! 16
>   while [(read-io com buffer 16) <> 0] [
>           append result buffer
>           clear buffer
>         ]
> ]
> }
> doplayer: make function! [musicfile] [
>   mp3cue musicfile
>   endtime: (to-time runtime) + now/time
>   counter: endtime - now/time
>   titleartistdisplay musicfile
>   mp3play
>   until [retport: wait [1]
>     counter: endtime - now/time
>     titleartistdisplay musicfile
>     lesser-or-equal? (counter) 0:00:00
>   ]
>   mp3stop
>   mp3close
> ]
> doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/PaulMcCartney/PaulMcCartney-BandOnTheRun.mp3"
> doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/Journey/Journey-SeparateWays(WorldsApart).mp3"
> doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/TomPetty/TomPetty-Refugee.mp3"
> doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/DireStraits/DireStraits-Twistin'ByThePool.mp3"
> close com

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