(warning: tabular layout,
view with fixed width font)

At 07:52 AM 1/11/00 -0500, -Ted. wrote:
>There's a project I have in mind that might help with this. 

what I have in mind is already done and in use.
runs on apache exactly the platform combo used by rebol.org

>Basically, I want to have something like dmoz.org

I am very familiar with dmoz/newhoo - I am an editor there.


>Next, I was going to prototype some screen shots, and maybe try to open
>a project up at sourceforge.net 
>Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms? Better name for the project?

needs to be developed          | done. free.

Allow text articles and        | allow any number of images, & articles
one standard image to be       | each tagged with uploaders name
submitted by browser or email  | only orig uploder can edit
                               | orig uploder can grant edit priv to arb list
                               | can take articles in html
                               | or as plain/email text
                               | links, mailtos all clickable 

Track article title,           | done
ad-hoc and standard keywords,  | done (built-in glossary area) 
original author,               | done
creation date, last editor,    | done - changes log
edit date, edit history        | done
                               | also version history, revert to last
                               | edit by specific author

Create and update author       | built-in author self-description area
profiles by browser or email   | all submissions via browser
                               | all authored pages have link at bottom
                               | going back to authors self desc page

                               | submission via email can be added
                               | using rebol as add-on

Allow new author registration  | supports autoregistration (mailback)
and first article submission   | and arb grouping hierarchies
as an unified transaction      | unified transaction not required

Hold new submissions to queue  | can post articles in
pending approval by editor     | self description area for practice or
                               | portfolio till edit privs put on arb list

Allow updates to article by    | done
original author or authorized  | done
Grant editor rights to an      | done
author profile 

Track articles authored or     | done
edited with each profile 

Save articles to HTML files    | articles saved as plain text or with html
                               | flattened to admin specified set of subdirs

Title, meta keywords,          | done, all in template
link to author profile, 
edit history 
Email comment form to          | done
author and editors 
Back link                      | can be added to template

Convert HTML meta characters   | done,  macros avail in beta version
to macros (< >), 
et cetera 

Parse saved articles into      | add on (see editic )
component fields for editing
or indexing 
Allow author and authorized    | done, authors may add to navbar
editors to add target and 
anchor links to article, 
when available 

Full-text search:              | done
Responsibility of Web site. 

Organization by topic:         | organized by editors & authors
Responsibility of Article 

Possible Refinements

Store articles in alternate 
format (database, XML / RDF ),  | module in beta version
and generate HTML pages upon

Maintain companion              | annotation is sep product add-on
annotation/history pages
linked to main article

May be enabled by template      | done, templates can include each other
Allow for submission of multiple| done

Full-text/keyword search of a   | done
Plain-text formatting of simple | done
HTML elements 
*bold*                          | done _bold_
_underscore_                    | 
~italics~                       | done *italics*
                                | also _*combined*_
:hot zone:                      | not needed
{hyperlink}                     | done %hyperlink% or %topic%
                                | pushbutton to add more complicated types


Create articles with various    | articles can request specific layout
layouts or features based       | from admin template set
on templates. 
The template would
determine both the input form   | editor is itself a template
 (by the browser) and the       | and can be redefined per area
display format (as an HTML

Knowledge Base |                | done
Author Profile                  | done
Job Postings | Resume | 
Employer profile / Classified ads 

Link Directory / Article        | done
binder (hint) 

Common CGI components           | included
(some may require registration with a cron script)
 Time/date stamp 

Guest books                     | done: self-appending list pages
| Link Lists |                  | allow other editors or gnl
"Talk Back" replies             | public to signup

Email response forms            | done: forms defined on one page
| Confirmations                 | specify what may be done to another
                                | without security breach.
                                | page specifies what it will allow.

Email page to reader            | part of browser

Exams | Surveys (Rate it)
Optional real time tallies 

Table of contents               | list related topics or subtopics
(from anchor page to            | built-in
target links)
What's new                      | index of changed pages

Blue sky | Kitchen sink         | "blue sky" area done for mozilla folk

Includes                        | done

| Scheduled includes            | no call for it

Display or comment block        | notifiers
Variable substitutions          | done

Hit Counters                    | no call for it
File uploading / downloading    | done

Shopping carts                  | not related to clubware
Managed banners                 | not related to clubware, can be in template
Slide shows                     | no call for it

                         also done:

                                | who may edit list associated with each page
                                | pages grouped into arbitrary areas

                                | area specialists can be defined
                                | with override permission

                                | new areas can be made on the fly

                                | templates can edit templates
                                | if you can stand it

                                | template per area or inherit from common

                                | built-in glossary area for terms

                                | acronym recognition

                                | path definable for hyperlink resolution
                                | of acronyms/topics not in same area     

                                | authorship list is protected
                                | (once you take credit for edits or orig
                                | writing it cannot be removed
                                | by anyone but you)

                                | moderated support list to control
                                | variations/forking of features
                                | open source.
                                | this givs you a headstart


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