I'm currently running gVim (version 5.5) on my wintel boxes, and it
does a decent job of comprimising between the keyboard-oriented
heritage of vi and the GUI-oriented nature of most windows-oriented

Cool tip, Joel. I found that there's a version 5.6a for Win32 out at 



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 1/14/2000 at 8:59 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Are there any syntax highlighting files for Rebol out there? There
> was discussion about one for Emacs on the list, but I don't know if
> they ever figured out whether that worked or not. Does it, and is
> there anything for other editors? I'd like to contribute a syntax
> file for EditPlus, which is the editor I use for Windows. I guess
> I'll just go grab a list of keywords from the dictionary. Later all.

I've used vim for a number of years now -- it's freely available from


and implements all of "standard" vi plus a number of handy extensions.
One of these is syntax highlighting for a surprisingly wide range of
notations, including HTML and REBOL.

I'm currently running gVim (version 5.5) on my wintel boxes, and it
does a decent job of comprimising between the keyboard-oriented
heritage of vi and the GUI-oriented nature of most windows-oriented

(I didn't know it did syntax highlighting for REBOL until the first
time I opened up a *.r file.  It took me a couple of minutes to get
my jaw back up off the floor.)


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