I tried adding 

make system/standard/email [
                                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Subject: {Test Mail ^/}

but that still added the First name as the subject , why?

heres my code:

        Title: "GSAT Email Testing Utility"
        File:  %t-email.r
        Date:  17-Jan-2000
        Purpose: {
           An Email Dignostics Utility to send a test email
           to a user with formatted Name and automatic email
           address insertion }

temailready: [
print "GT-Email Application Ready..."
header: make system/standard/email [
        Subject: "Test Email"
        Organization: "GSAT Ltd."
emailalias: ask "Enter the user: "
username: ask "Enter the user's first name: "
emailbody_init: trim join username {,
        This is test email from GSAT Technical Support.
        Please reply to this email once it is received.


        GSAT Technical Support
append emailalias "@gsat.edu.au"
emailalias: to-email emailalias
print "(Email Sending in Progress)"
send emailalias emailbody_init make system/standard/email [
                                                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                Subject: {Test Email ^/}
print "Diagnostic Email sent!"
do temailready
do temailready

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