After placing a <trace on> just before the last readable words I got this:

Trace:  [
    rejoin ["<?" trim program "?>"]
] (block)
Trace:  throw-on-error (word)
Trace:  [make function! spec body] (block)
Trace:  if (word)
Trace:  error? (word)
Trace:  blk: (set-word)
Trace:  try (word)
Trace:  blk (word)
Trace:  make (word)
Trace:  function! (word)
Trace:  spec (word)
Trace:  body (word)
Result: (function)
Result: (function)
Result: false (logic)
Trace:  [throw blk] (block)
Result: false (logic)
Trace:  :blk (get-word)
Result: (function)
Result: (function)
Result: (object)
** Script Error: Trace:  "Word" (string)
Trace:  :arg1 (get-word)
Trace:  "is protected, cannot modify" (string)
Word set is protected, cannot modify.
** Where: set name reduce content

Maybe that helps a little bit.


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