Here's what I've got so far:

RegExp_Parse: function [RegExp [string!]] [
 RegExp_Rules RegExp_Parser Match Match_Character Match_Characters
 RegExp_Parser: make block! 4 * length? RegExp
 Match: make string! 0
 Match_Character: charset [#"0" - #"9" #"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"]
 Match_Characters: [some Match_Character]
 append RegExp_Parser [to]
 RegExp_Rules: [
  "^^" (if 'to = first RegExp_Parser [remove head RegExp_Parser]) |
  "*" (append RegExp_Parser [| none]) |
  "?!" (append RegExp_Parser [noty]) |
  "|" (append RegExp_Parser [|]) |
  "$" (append RegExp_Parser [end]) |
  "(" |
  ")" |
  copy Match Match_Characters (append RegExp_Parser Match)
 parse/all RegExp [some RegExp_Rules]

RegExp: func [RegExp [string!] Exp [string!]] [
 parse/all probe Exp probe RegExp_Parse RegExp

print RegExp "^^(ted|admin|bobr|andrew|elan|keith|cheryl|joel|brady)$"
print RegExp "^^(ted|admin|bobr|andrew|elan|keith|cheryl|joel|brady)$"

And here it is running:

>> do %bobr.r
Script: "bobr" (20-Jan-1999)
["ted" | "admin" | "bobr" | "andrew" | "elan" | "keith" | "cheryl" | "joel"
| "brady" end]
["ted" | "admin" | "bobr" | "andrew" | "elan" | "keith" | "cheryl" | "joel"
| "brady" end]

Parenthesis don't work, yet. Gabrielle, Elan? Feel free to improve it.

I've also noticed that _two_ calls to parse in the one function doesn't seem
to work right.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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