> I'm trying to do something with rebol that I think it is suited for: make
a rebol-powered dynamic website.
> the problem:
> I can't instances. or I can't make any sense out of them :)
> Detail:
> I want to define a site...as on object. Lets call it site:

Site: make object! [
    Pages: make block! 10    ; Give it some room.

> A site would be made up of pages object..."page:"

    Append: func [Page] [system/words/append Pages Page]
    Write: func [] [
        foreach Page Pages [
            write Page

> A "page:" might look like this...
> page: [ title picture byline callout bodycopy comments]

Page1: reduce [Title Picture Byline Callout Bodycopy Comments]

> ...and on and on.

Page2: ...
Page3: ...

> so...how do I make a new page,

A_Page: func [] [
    HTML/Dialect [
        Head [
            Title "My title"
        Body [] [
            H1 Title
            {Your text } B (here) {!}

> ...and put it into the site:

Site/Append Page1
Site/Append [Page2 Page3 A_Page]

> in such a way that i can ask for any page: that i want?

I'm not sure what you mean here.

> I want to be able to write the blocks out to disk so I can read and write
to them, etc.

write %test.txt mold site

> I hope that made some sense :)
> BTW if anyone has code for this sort of thing, it would be a big help.

More coming in my latest HTML dialect...

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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