Eric wrote (in State Machine):
> ...problem with the to- functions. They should really all be rewritten
like this:
> >> source to-word
> to-word: func ["Converts to word value." value "Value to convert"]
>     [to word! value]
> >> to-word first [this: that]
> ** Script Error: this needs a value.
> ** Where: to word! value
> >> to-word: func ["Converts to word value." value "Value to convert"]
>     [to word! :value]             ; last item should be a get-word
> >> to-word first [this: that]
> == this

I've written a Patch for REBOL to do this. It's attached. It also
incorporates the http User-Agent modification and Eric's definitions of
'unset! and 'action!.

Just place:
        do %Patch.r
    in your %user.r file, to have this done at each startup.

Comments and additional suggestions for further patches are all welcome.

Andrew Martin
Patched REBOLite...
ICQ: 26227169


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