Hello Porter;
        I have had similar problems: I got attention,
but no workable solution from the mailing list. Then
I jumped up and down and hollered and got Carl's attention. 
He referred me to Holger Kruse, who is his network expert.
Both Holger and Carl took me through a series of tests
that seemed to indicate to them that at least one of
the ISPs that I used was using some sort of a I.P. address
"translator". Sorry, but I'm a programmer, not a D.N.S.
expert. What happened is that someone at RT emailed me
a beta copy of rebol/view. This particular port error
(the same as yours) went away. 

BUT, now rebol/view crashes (aborts) when I attempt to
inset text into a an opened port at an ftp site.
I've submitted a bug report, but have had no reply so far.
If you so wish, I can email you what I have. This does
not seem to be a syntax issue. I believe it is an
internal issue with rebol and you should probably bring
this to the attention of the rebol team. 

Afterall, if we help to make rebol work better, it is
better for us, AND better for Carl S. and crew. Right?

My clients have reamed me out more than once, and their
concerns have made me a better programmer.

Besides there are folks in my state closely following
rebol's performance.


At 01:24 PM 2/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi -
>I've written a script to retrieve files from a directory on an FTP
>server.  It is designed to periodically check the FTP server for new
>files, download them and delete them.  It works fine on my NT system(s) at
>home and at a friend's house, and in the office.
>However - here's the kicker, it won't work on the system it needs to run
>on - another NT box, co-located at our ISP's location.  Since the box is
>"ours" we've installed REBOL on it, and it runs local apps, and apps to
>fetch HTTP pages fine.  However, when running this script that uses FTP,
>we get a "500 Port Error" message.
>I turned trace/net on - and I can see that it's connecting to the remote
>FTP server, and logging in.  However, as soon as it attempts to retrieve
>the file listing, it errors out.
>Is there a port on a firewall at our ISP that we need to have them open
>for us?
>Porter Woodward

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