I have this FORM working just great, but I have noticed that -somehow it is limiting the file mailed to me to around 2K, I increased my mail client to 8K so I know that is not the problem.

The file written to disk by this script is clipped at 2K before it hits the send routine:


cgi: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

write %form.html reduce [
    <html><body><HI STYLE="page-break-after:always">
    <CENTER><h2>"K.B.I. Application"</h2></CENTER><H5>
    "Name:"   cgi/name
    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SSN:"    cgi/ssn <P>
    "Address: "  cgi/address <BR>
    "City:    "    cgi/city
    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"    cgi/st
    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"    cgi/zip <BR>
    ""  cgi/phone    
    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"  cgi/email <P><BR>
    "Salvation: "  cgi/sal <p>
    "Education: "  cgi/edu <BR><BR>
    "Ministry: "  cgi/min <P>
    "Goals: "  cgi/gol <P>
    "Other Remarks : "  cgi/rem <br>


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