OK this is a revision of a quesion I posted yesterday....can I create a
series as follows....

routers: [

        router1 [  domain {        }
                   filepath {       }
                   confpath {       }
                   interfaces [
                                ["serial1" "up" 1 {description}]
                                ["ethernet1" "down" 2 {description}]

        router2 [  domain {     }
                   filepath {   }
                   confpath {   }
                   interfaces [
                                ["ethernet1" "up" 1 {description}]
                                ["hssi1" "down" 2 {description}]

Will this work.....

How can I build a foreach loop around this to print each router name and
its interfaces. Also, could I incorporate a find statement to show each
router and is "up" interfaces...?

Any help appreciated.


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