----- Original Message -----

> In the past I saw a script that would read a POP mailbox
> waiting for a command to it.  It was smart enough to not
> rexecute the same command more than once.  If the command
> was not to it, it didn't do any thing at all with the
> message.

I think this is the one you are referring too. The remote email agent?

It's part of the Webtechniques Rebol Bot article Carl wrote. The article is


REBOL [Title: "Remote Email Agent"]

   password: "pass-email"
   stop-time: now + 12:00
   prior-len: 0

   do-ops: func [ops user mailbox /local action] [
      foreach [op arg] ops [
         action: select [
            forward [
               if string? arg [
                  foreach mail mailbox [
                     if find mail arg [send user mail]
               if email? arg [
                  foreach mail mailbox [
                     msg: import-email mail
                     if arg = first msg/from [send user mail]
            list [send user read arg]
            send [send user read arg]
            delete [delete arg]
            quit [quit]
         ] op
         either action [do action][
            send user join "bad op: " op

   while [now < stop-time] [
      mailbox: read pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

      foreach msg skip mailbox prior-len [
         msg: import-email msg
         from: first msg/from
         if all [
            find users from
            msg/subject = password
            ops: try [load msg/content]
            either error? ops [
               send from join "Error: " msg/content
               do-ops ops from mailbox
      prior-len: length? mailbox
      wait 0:10


Allen K

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